Set Display Sleep

Interface and Class Information

  • Package Name: 'com.wizarpos.wizarviewagentassistant'

  • Class Name: 'com.wizarpos.wizarviewagentassistant.SystemExtApiService'

  • Import the 'wizarviewagentassistant' package when using this interface.

Required Permissions

  • To use the API method, include the following permission in your application's manifest: 'android.permission.CLOUDPOS_SET_SCREEN_OFF_TIMEOUT'.

API Function

Set Screen Off Timeout

boolean setScreenOffTimeout(int milliseconds);

Configure the display sleep time by specifying the timeout duration in milliseconds.



the milliseconds the time you want to set, can be one of following values:

*        15000 - 15s
*        30000 - 30s
*        60000 - 1 minute
*        120000 - 2 minutes
*        300000 - 5 minutes
*        600000 - 10 minutes
*        1800000 - 30 minutes
*        2147483647(Integer.MAX_VALUE) - never.


a boolean representation of the result.

true if success. false if failure.

Resource Download

  • Download the necessary AIDL file for implementation.

  • Download the Demo.

Last updated