Verify Printer Paper Status

  • Purpose of queryStatus():

This method is used to ascertain the paper status in the printer. It is especially useful for checking if paper is available before initiating a print job. In cases of printing large receipts, it may be advisable to check the paper status after printing as well.

  • When print receipt, sometime app want to know whether the receipt has finished printing, it can call this method to check too, because the printer commands are executed sequentially.

  device = (PrinterDevice) POSTerminal.getInstance(mContext).getDevice(POSTerminal.DEVICE_NAME_PRINTER);
  int result = device.queryStatus();
  • Understanding the Result Codes:

    • Result < 0: Indicates an error. The specific negative value corresponds to a particular error code.

    • Result = 0: Signifies that the printer is out of paper.

    • Result = 1: Confirms that the printer has paper available for printing.

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