PINPAD Configuration Summary

PINPAD Configuration Summary

Display Settings

1. Set Title

  boolean setGUIConfiguration(int flag, byte[] data) throws DeviceException
    - Parameters:
    - flag: 2
    - data: Title content (in bytes).

2. Set Alignment

  boolean setGUIConfiguration(int flag, byte[] data) throws DeviceException
  - Parameters:
    - flag: 1
    - data: Alignment value (data[0]: 0x00 for Left, 0x01 for Center, 0x02 for Right).

3. Set Background Color

  boolean setGUIConfiguration(String key, String value) throws DeviceException
  - Parameters:
    - key: "displaybackcolor"
    - value: RGB color value (format is #[a-f0-9A-F]{6}, default, "#6C8C4F").

4. Set Text Color

  boolean setGUIConfiguration(String key, String value) throws DeviceException
  - Parameters:
    - key: "inputtextcolor"
    - value: RGB color value (format is #[a-f0-9A-F]{6}, default, "#FFFFFF").

5. Enable/Disable Background Darkening

  boolean setGUIConfiguration(String key, String value) throws DeviceException
  - Parameters:
    - key: "disablebackgrounddarkening"
    - value: "true" (disable) or "false" (enable).

6. Display Text on PINPad Screen

  void showText(int lineIndex, String message) throws DeviceException
  - Parameters:
    - lineIndex: Line number (0 or 1).
    - message: Text to display.

7. Custom Display Implementation

If the default display settings do not meet requirements, customers can implement their own GUI. Refer to: Customize PINPAD GUI.

Sound Settings

1. Enable/Disable Sound

  boolean setGUIConfiguration(String key, String value) throws DeviceException
  - Parameters:
    - key: "sound"
    - value: "true" (enable) or "false" (disable).

2. Custom Sound

If the default sound is unsatisfactory, consult sales for customization options. Provide an audio file, and development support will be required for integration.

UI Style Settings

1. Set UI Style

  boolean setGUIConfiguration(int flag, byte[] data) throws DeviceException
  - Parameters:
    - flag: 3
    - data[0]: Style value:
      - 0: Default normal virtual
      - 1: Big virtual
      - 2: Q3K
      - 3: Horizontal virtual (landscape orientation)
      - 4: Function button at the bottom.

2. Custom UI Style

  boolean setGUIConfiguration(String key, String value) throws DeviceException
  - Parameters:
    - key: "style"
    - value: "system" (default). 
  consult sales for other style.

Keyboard Settings

- Keyboard customization is not supported. If required, consult sales for further assistance.

For more details, refer to the WizarPOS SDK API Documentation.

Last updated