<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?><!--style: launcher theme, Q1 default is 'android'.indicatorColor: Page indicator color of the selected page.itemBackground: The style 'android' does not support this feature.pageStatus: page indicator location, up / downtopBackgroundColor: the background color of favoritebarversionCode: When update, the versionCode should larger/equals than the previous in the system.--><desktopstyle="android"indicatorColor="4FA2FF"itemBackground="false"pageStatus="down"topBackgroundColor="00BFFF"versionCode="2" ><!-- Some special application you want to define. cols: How many cols display in one page, Q1 default is 4. iconheight: Q1 default is 96. iconwidth: Q1 default is 96. rows: How many rows display in one page, Q1 default is 3. --> <applicationscols="4"iconheight="96"iconwidth="96"rows="3" ><!-- class: app class name, if only one entrance of the package, it can be empty. col: at which column. package: app package name. page: at which page. row: at which row. columnSpan: icon item span columns, default is 1. type: app or clock, default is app. Type clock will display a digital clock in home screen. --> <applicationclass=""col="1"columnSpan="2"package="com.moji.mjweather"page="3"row="1"type="app" /> </applications><!-- Define favorite bar. cols: How many columns. --> <favoritebarcols="3" ><!-- class: app class name, if only one entrance of the package, it can be empty. col: at which column package: app package name --> <applicationclass="com.example.testEditText.FirstActivity"col="3"package="com.example.testEditText" /> <applicationclass=""col="2"package="cn.kuwo.player" /> <applicationclass=""col="1"package="com.sohu.inputmethod.sogou" /> </favoritebar><!-- Define hidden applications. --> <hiddenapplications><!-- package: app package name, if only set this, all the entrance of this package will be hide; if only one entrance, just set package name. class: app class name, if only one entrance of the package, it can be empty. --> <applicationclass=""package="com.example.realfullscreensample" /> </hiddenapplications></desktop>
For Q1V2 Models: Use the 'clarity' style.
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?><!--style: launcher theme, Q1V2 default is 'clarity'.indicatorColor: Page indicator color of the selected page.itemBackground: Whether set icon item background color.pageStatus: page indicator location, up / downversionCode: When update, the versionCode should larger/equals than the previous in the system.--><desktopstyle="clarity"indicatorColor="4FA2FF"itemBackground="true"pageStatus="down"versionCode="2" ><!-- Some special application you want to define. cols: How many cols display in one page, Q1V2 default is 2. iconheight: Q1V2 default is 72. iconwidth: Q1V2 default is 72. rows: How many rows display in one page, Q1V2 default is 3. --> <applicationscols="2"iconheight="72"iconwidth="72"rows="3" ><!-- backgroundColor: icon item background color. class: app class name, if only one entrance of the package, it can be empty. col: at which column. package: app package name. page: at which page. row: at which row. columnSpan: icon item span columns, default is 1. type: app or clock, default is app. Type clock will display a digital clock in home screen. --> <applicationbackgroundColor="20A2DE"class=""col="1"columnSpan="2"package="com.moji.mjweather"page="3"row="1"type="app" /> </applications><!-- This feature was removed in style 'clarity'. --> <favoritebarcols="0" /><!-- Define hidden applications. --> <hiddenapplications><!-- package: app package name, if only set this, all the entrance of this package will be hide; if only one entrance, just set package name. class: app class name, if only one entrance of the package, it can be empty. --> <applicationclass=""package="com.example.realfullscreensample" /> </hiddenapplications></desktop>
For Q2/Q2A7/Q3/Q3K Models: Use the 'metro' style.
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?><!--style: launcher theme, Q2/Q2A7/Q3/Q3K default is 'metro'.indicatorColor: The RGB value of the page indicator color of the selected page.itemBackground: Whether set icon item background color.pageStatus: page indicator location, up / downtitle: Merchant or store name, or other.titleGravity: title location, left / center / right.topBackgroundColor: the RGB value of the background color of title and favoritebarversionCode: When update, the versionCode should larger than the previous in the system.--><desktopstyle="metro"indicatorColor="4FA2FF"itemBackground="true"pageStatus="down"title="WizarPOS"titleGravity="left"topBackgroundColor="00BFFF"versionCode="2" ><!-- Some special application you want to define. cols: How many cols display in one page, default is 2. iconheight: Q2/Q2A7 default is 144, Q3 default is 96, Q3K default is 72. iconwidth: Q2/Q2A7 default is 144, Q3 default is 96, Q3K default is 72. rows: How many rows display in one page, Q2/Q2A7 default is 4, Q3/Q3K default is 3. --> <applicationscols="2"iconheight="144"iconwidth="144"rows="4" ><!-- backgroundColor: icon item background color. class: app class name, if only one entrance of the package, it can be empty. col: at which column. package: app package name. page: at which page. row: at which row. columnSpan: icon item span columns, default is 1. type: app or clock, default is app. Type clock will display a digital clock in home screen. --> <applicationbackgroundColor="20A2DE"class=""col="1"columnSpan="2"package="com.moji.mjweather"page="3"row="1"type="app" /> </applications><!-- Define favorite bar. cols: How many columns. --> <favoritebarcols="3" ><!-- class: app class name, if only one entrance of the package, it can be empty. col: at which column package: app package name --> <applicationclass="com.example.testEditText.FirstActivity"col="3"package="com.example.testEditText" /> <applicationclass=""col="2"package="cn.kuwo.player" /> <applicationclass=""col="1"package="com.sohu.inputmethod.sogou" /> </favoritebar><!-- Define hidden applications. --> <hiddenapplications><!-- package: app package name, if only set this, all the entrance of this package will be hide; if only one entrance, just set package name. class: app class name, if only one entrance of the package, it can be empty. --> <applicationclass=""package="com.example.realfullscreensample" /> </hiddenapplications></desktop>
Updating Process via TF Card or Thumb Drive
Folder Creation:
On a TF Card: Create a folder named '\wizarpos\homesettings\homesettings_XXX\'. 'XXX' is typically 'wizarpos', matching the 'ro.wp.logo' property value. Or the same with Thumb Drive as below.
On a Thumb Drive: Create a folder named '\cloudpos\'. This is supported in PosSysAssistant app versions greater than 2.11.8.
Copying the File:
Copy 'poshomesettings.xml' into the folder you created.
The update process is similar to installing an APK from a TF card or thumb drive.
Update via WizarView
Upload to WizarView:
In WizarView, add a new parameter file named 'poshomesettings.xml'.
Navigate to Applications > Application.
Click the '+' icon, then fill in the details in the pop-up edit window.
Select 'param' type, input package name ('com.wizarpos.android.home') and parameter file name ('poshomesettings.xml').
Click the 'Commit' button.
Configuring the File:
In Applications > Application, click the 'Search' button.
Select the parameter file from the list.
Click the 'config' icon and select 'Upload'.
Choose the file for upload and click 'Commit'.
Pushing the Configuration:
Follow the WizarView user manual for configuring and pushing the configuration to a terminal.