App Signing Process

APK Signature and Verification Process

Standard Android System Requirements

  • Application Signing:

    • All applications must be signed before installation on a standard Android system.

    • For detailed instructions, refer to Google's official resources on application signing.

wizarPOS Terminal Specifics

  • Enhanced Signature Checks:

    • In addition to standard Android signature verification, wizarPOS terminals conduct additional checks using the root certificate chain.

    • Only APKs signed with the root certificate or a child certificate are permitted for installation.

  • Obtaining a Signing Certificate:

  • Importing the Certificate Chain:

    • After receiving the CSR reply from wizarPOS, import the certificate chain file into your keystore.

    • APKs signed with this keystore will be installable on wizarPOS terminals.

Development Mode Terminals

  • Relaxed Signature Requirements:

    • Terminals in development mode do not require the additional signature verification.

    • This allows for the use of ADB to install and debug Android applications in development mode.

Custom Certificate Chains

  • Terminal Control:

    • The certificate chain issued by wizarpos can be replaced with the terminal owner's own certificate chain.

    • This enables terminal owners to have full control over the applications installed on their terminals.

How to sign APK

Use IDE to sign APK

Please refer to Google Sign APP

  • Click Build>Generate Signed Bundle/APK

  • Select APK

  • Choose keystore and input the info in the follow picture, click Next

  • Keep Default settings, set stored path of the signed APK, then click Finish

Use Android apksigner to sign APK(Highly recommend)

Please read this apksigner tool.

For Example: Sign an APK using release.jks, which is the only key in the KeyStore:

 $ apksigner sign --ks release.jks --out <out path>/<out name>.apk app.apk

Use command line tool to sign APK(Deprecated)

WizarPOS provides a Java signature tool to help developers sign APK. You can use it on the command line. Please download the signature tool v2.5-81. Make sure you have JRE 1.6 or later installed on your PC.

Run signature tool

In PC, run the follow command:

  • Use jks:java -jar <File Path>/SignatureTools.jar sign --keytype jks --apk <File Path>/<in name>.apk --out <File Path>/<out name>.apk --keystore <File Path>/<name>.jks --alias androiddebugkey --storepass wizarpos([Optional]) --sigAlg SHA1withRSA(SHA1withRSA/MD5withRSA/SHA256withRSA, [Optional]) --signatureScheme v1v2(v1/v2,[Optional]) --zipalign

Replace the real parameter value, and change the key password and store password to your real password.

For Example: java -jar SignatureTools_v2.5-81-g1e5b0ac sign --keytype jks --apk bcare_wallet_beta_andorid6.apk --out bcare_wallet_beta_andorid6_signed3.apk --keystore E:\...\XXX.jks --alias XXX--keypass XXX --storepass XXX --signatureScheme v1v2 --zipalign --quiet

  • Use pk8:java -jar <File Path>/SignatureTools.jar sign --keytype pk8 --apk <File Path>/<in name>.apk --out <File Path>/<out name>.apk --keyfile <File Path>/private_pwd.pk8(With or Without password) --certs <File Path>/cert.x509_pwd.pem --keypass android(Optional) --storepass android(Optional) --sigAlg SHA1withRSA(SHA1withRSA/MD5withRSA/SHA256withRSA, Optional) --signatureScheme v2(v1/v2)

Replace the real parameter value, and change the key password and store password to your real password.



jks or pk8

The type of the keystore which used to sign the APK.


The path of the jks key store file

It must be defined when using jks keystore


The path of the pk8 file

It must be defined when using pk8 file as keystore.


The file path of the apk before signed

The file path of the apk before signed


The file path of the apk after signed

The file path of the apk after signed


Alias name of private key

Alias name of private key in jks file


Certificates file path

When keytype is pk8, this is the certificate chain


Password of keystore file

Password of keystore file


password of private key

password of private key in jks file or pk8 file


SHA1withRSA or MD5withRSA or SHA256withRSA

signature algorithm


v1 or v2 or v1v2

signature scheme


apk zipalign


suppress informational messages, only show warnings and errors.

Last updated