Understand DUKPT


  • DUKPT is a key management method that generates a unique key for each transaction, ensuring the security of transaction-originating TRSMs (Transaction-Related Security Modules).

  • It is designed to prevent the disclosure of any past keys used in transactions.

  • The unique Transaction Keys are derived from a base derivation key, using non-secret data transmitted as part of each transaction.

  • DUKPT allows the encryption process to be decentralized from devices holding the shared secret.

  • Utilizes derived keys for encryption, which are not reused post-transaction, enhancing security.

  • Commonly used in electronic commerce transactions, especially for encrypting PIN information in POS (Point-Of-Sale) devices.

  • DUKPT is not an encryption standard but a technique for managing keys.

Key Features of DUKPT

  • Distinct Transaction Keys: Ensures each transaction has a unique key, separate from others.

  • Security of Past and Future Keys: If a current key is compromised, previously and subsequently used keys remain secure.

  • No Interactive Key Agreement: Avoids the need for originators and receivers of encrypted messages to perform an interactive key-agreement protocol.

Support in PINPad

  • Our internal PINPad supports three types of DUKPT keys: PIN key, MAC key, and data key. Each key type is used to encrypt different types of data.

Key Injection and Usage

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