Capture Power Button API
This guide provides instructions on using the Android Interface Definition Language (AIDL) to block and capture power button events on Android devices. This functionality is useful for controlling how the power button behaves in your application.
Implementation Steps
Connecting to the Service:
To utilize this feature, connect to the AIDL service.
Use 'com.wizarpos.wizarviewagentassistant' as the package name.
Set 'com.wizarpos.wizarviewagentassistant.SystemExtApiService' as the class name.
Importing and Permissions:
Import the 'wizarviewagentassistant' into your application.
Add the necessary permissions to your app’s Android manifest file to use this interface effectively.
Version Requirements:
Ensure that the version of 'wizarviewagentassistant' in your application is version 2.10.59 or higher.
Compatible system versions include Q2P: S0397, Q2A7: S51099, S0397, Q3V: S1524, and Q2: S4957.
The application declares the following permissions in the manifest:
API Overview
Block or release the power button.
for the power button block setting, a boolean value is used: true blocks the power button, false releases the power button ;
Check whether power button has been blocked.
a boolean representation of the result.
true if blocked. false if released .
AIDL file
Please download the aidl file
Download the Demo App for a practical implementation example.
Last updated