Execute the command to open the card reader device. This step establishes a connection between your Java application and the card reader
Search for Card:
Start a search operation to detect the contactless Mifare card within the reader's range.
OperationListener listener = new OperationListener() {
public void handleResult(OperationResult arg0) {
if (arg0.getResultCode() == OperationResult.SUCCESS) {
rfCard = ((RFCardReaderOperationResult) arg0).getCard();
} else {
device.listenForCardPresent(listener, TimeConstants.FOREVER); The result will be returned in the callback listener.
Read from Card:
Once the card is detected, execute read operations as required. This may involve accessing data stored on the card.
After completing the read/write operations, close the device to end the communication session. This is important for maintaining the security and integrity of both the card and the reader.
Important Notes
Follow the steps sequentially to ensure successful interaction with contactless Mifare cards.
Handle exceptions and errors appropriately for smooth and secure application functionality.