Recover a Tampered Terminal


This guide explains the process for recovering a Smart POS terminal that has entered a tamper status. This status can only be resolved by the terminal vendor (WizarPOS). Unauthorized attempts to recover the terminal are not permitted.

Steps for Recovery

1. Token Generation During Booting: When the terminal boots, it generates a token. This token is stored in the TF card.

2. Sending the Token File: You need to retrieve this token file and email it to WizarPOS for recovery. Use the following details for your email:

  • Subject: "Request for Device Recovery from Tamper Status"

  • Recipient: (and include your WizarPOS sales contact in CC)

  • Email Body: Include your Company or Group name as registered in our Terminal Management System (TMS). Note: Without this information, we cannot process your request.

  • Attachment: Attach the token file from the TF card.

3. Choose the Tamper Reason: Indicate the reason for tampering in your email. Options include:

  • Received the device tampered from WizarPOS

  • Tampered during repair

  • Tampered due to falling or dropping

4. Receiving the Signature File: After we receive and approve your request, we will respond with a signature file attached (.sig file).

5. Final Recovery Step:

  • Place the .sig file in the same folder as the token file on the TF card.

  • Reboot the terminal. Ensure that both the token and signature files are in the same folder for successful recovery.


This process is exclusive to authorized personnel. Unauthorized attempts to recover a tampered terminal are strictly prohibited and may result in further complications.

Last updated