Control Fan via Serial Port


This guide offers a demonstration on how to control a fan using a serial port. It is particularly useful for developers and technicians looking to integrate fan control into their systems or applications.

Demo Download Instructions:

  1. Accessing the Demo:

    • To get started with controlling a fan via a serial port, download the provided demo application: Fan Control Demo.

  2. Demo Details:

    • The demo includes executable files, showcasing the practical implementation of fan control through serial port communication.

    • Ensure you have the appropriate permissions and settings on your device to run the demo successfully.


  • The demo will guide you through the process of sending commands via the serial port to control the fan's operations, such as turning it on/off.

Usage Tips:

  • Familiarize yourself with the serial port specifications of your device and ensure proper connections are made before running the demo.

This demonstration is an excellent resource for anyone looking to understand the basics of hardware control via serial ports, particularly in applications involving fan control.

Last updated