Apply WizarView Account

Application Process

To apply for a WizarView account, please follow these steps:

  1. Prepare Required Information:

    • Gather the following details which are necessary for the account application:

      • Contact Name: This will often be used as your account number.

      • Company Name: Typically used as the group name in WizarView. If a group name already exists, provide that name.

      • Contact Email: Your account password will be sent to this email once the account is created.

      • Terminal Serial Numbers (if applicable): If you already own terminals, include their serial numbers. These will be added to your group upon account creation.

  2. Send an Email:

    • Compose an email with the above information.

    • Address it to ''.

  3. CC the Email to WizarPOS Sales Staff:

    • Make sure to CC (carbon copy) this email to your contact in the WizarPOS sales staff.

    • Important: If the email is not CC’d to the sales staff, your application may not be processed.

  4. Await Confirmation:

    • After sending the email, wait for a response from WizarView tech support or the sales team. They will confirm the creation of your account and guide you through the next steps.


  • Regular communication and updates during the application process will be conducted via the contact email you provide.

Last updated