Push APK to Specific Device

  1. Navigate to Application Management:

    • In the TMS interface, go to 'Applications > Application'.

  2. Add or Update an App:

    • Choose to either add a new app or update an existing one. This action will open the application page.

    • Confirm 'Group' and 'Name'.

  3. Access Advanced Options:

    • On the application page, click the 'Advance' icon to view more configuration options.

  4. Define Target Device Serial Number (SN):

    • Click the 'Search' icon in the 'Target SN' field. This will open the 'Choose Terminal Model' page.

    • The 'Target SN' field supports regular expressions. By using a regular expression, you can select serial numbers that match the specified pattern.

  5. Select the Device Type:

    • Select the specific device type, then click 'Commit".

  6. Configure the App to a Group:

    • The app should be configured to a group. This ensures that the APK is only pushed to terminals within that group that match the selected device type.


  • It’s important to use the correct regular expression in the 'Target SN' field to accurately target the desired devices.

  • Ensure that the group configuration is correctly set up to include only the intended device types.

Last updated