Enable/Disable Automatic Time

Interface and Class Information

  • Package Name: 'com.wizarpos.wizarviewagentassistant'

  • Class Name: 'com.wizarpos.wizarviewagentassistant.SystemExtApiService'

  • Ensure the 'wizarviewagentassistant' package is imported when using this interface.

API Functions

Enable/Disable Automatic Time

void enableAutoTime(boolean enable);

Toggles the automatic time feature on or off based on the 'enable' boolean value.



for the auto time setting, a boolean value is used: true enables auto time, while false disables it.

Check Automatic Time Status

boolean isEnableAutoTime();

Returns the current status (enabled/disabled) of the automatic time feature.



a boolean representation of the result.

true if enable,

false if disable.

Enable/Disable Automatic Time in GUI

void enableAutoTimeGUI(boolean enable);

Enable or disable the display of the automatic time feature in the GUI based on the 'enable' boolean value.



for the auto time GUI setting, a boolean value is used: true enables auto time GUI, while false disables it.

Check Automatic Time GUI Status

boolean isEnableAutoTimeGUI();

Retrieves the status (enabled/disabled) of the automatic time feature in the GUI.



a boolean representation of the result.

true if enable,

false if disable.

Resource Downloads

  • Download the necessary AIDL file for guidance on implementation.

  • Download the Demo App for a practical implementation example.

Last updated