Understand Counter Mode

Why Counter Mode is Necessary:

  • The Q3/Q2Premium terminal utilizes a soft battery.

  • Continuous charging, especially when the battery is already fully charged, can lead to battery bulging.

  • To mitigate this risk, software adjustments are made to the charging mechanism.

  • Counter Mode is essential when the charger is constantly connected to the terminal.

  • In Counter Mode, the battery recharges at 15% (rather than the usual 95%) to avoid long-term full charge. The recharge capacity can be set by parameter file.

  • In Counter Mode, charging terminates at 88% capacity, whereas in non-counter mode, charging continues until it reaches 100%. The terminate capacity can not be changed.

How to Activate Counter Mode:

There is the auto-counter mode algorithm in the Q3 terminal.

Manual Activation in Terminal Settings:

  • Navigate to Settings > Administrator Login.

  • Go to Setting > Battery.

  • Toggle Counter Mode on or off as needed.

Activation via APK Installation:

Activation via TMS (Terminal Management System):

  • Add a new parameter file in WizarView. Follow steps in the WizarView application to upload and commit the parameter file.

    • Access Application Settings:

      • Navigate to the 'Applications' section, and then select 'Application' from the submenu.

    • Add New Parameter File:

      • Click the '+' icon located at the bottom left of the toolbox. This will open an edit window.

      • In the edit window, fill in the required fields, including the name of the parameter file.

      • Ensure to select 'param' as the type.

      • Enter the package name, which should be 'com.wizarpos.system.settings', and then the name of your parameter file.

      • After entering all the details, click the 'Commit' button to save this entry.

    • Locate the New Parameter File:

      • Now, click the 'Search' button in the 'Applications > Application' page.

      • From the displayed list, select the parameter file you just added.

    • Configure the Parameter File:

      • Click the configuration (config) icon located at the right bottom of the toolbox.

      • In the popup window, click the 'Upload' button.

    • Upload the Parameter File:

      • Choose the appropriate parameter file from your device.

      • Once selected, click the 'Commit' button to upload the file to the system.

  • This allows the configuration of the terminal remotely via file push, similar to application updates.

Activation through API (Application Programming Interface):

  • Add the required permission, '<uses-permission android:name="android.permission.CLOUDPOS_SET_BATTERY_COUNTER_MODE" />' in 'AndroidManifest.xml'.

  • Utilize the AIDL file in the package 'com.wizarpos.wizarviewagentassistant.aidl'.

  • A code sample can be provided for this purpose.

public void systemExtApiService_setBatteryCounterMode(Context context, boolean enable) {
    ServiceConnection systemExtConn = new ServiceConnection() {
        public void onServiceConnected(ComponentName name, IBinder service) {
            ISystemExtApi systemExtApiService = ISystemExtApi.Stub.asInterface(service);
            Logger.debug("startAgentService = " + systemExtApiService);
            try {
            } catch (RemoteException e) {

        public void onServiceDisconnected(ComponentName name) {
    ComponentName comp = new ComponentName("com.wizarpos.wizarviewagentassistant","com.wizarpos.wizarviewagentassistant.SystemExtApiService");
    Intent intent = new Intent();
    context.bindService(intent, systemExtConn, Context.BIND_AUTO_CREATE);

By using Counter Mode in the appropriate situations, the lifespan and health of the terminal's battery can be significantly enhanced.

Last updated