Manual for Maintenance Management Portal
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Last updated
Wizarpos service provider portal, mainly provides functions for service providers to manage merchants. It allows adding and modifying one or more merchants under this service provider. The merchant types supported are retail and catering. It is possible to view the transaction records of each merchant, as well as the terminal information and quantity bound to each merchant.
Enter the account password to log in to the backend. Before logging in, you can choose the language
Click on Settlement Results to access the settlement records, where you can view the transaction data of all merchants under this service provider, including member transactions and bank card transactions
Click on MerchantList to enter the merchant list, where you can add new merchants (retail or catering), search and edit merchant information, configure payment methods, set payment parameters, resend emails, view bound terminals, enable merchants, disable merchants, etc
Click "Add Merchant" to add a new merchant. After filling in the merchant information, complete the account opening process. The merchant will receive an account opening email and can log in to the merchant portal using the initial account and password to perform operations
Clicking on "more" allows you to configure payments, edit merchants, and manage terminals
Terminal Management Click on Payment Setting to configure the existing payment methods, whether to enable or disable online and offline
Clicking on Payment Setting allows you to configure payment parameters according to the actual payment integration needs. After configuration, you can proceed with actual payment transactions
You can make actual payments and transactions. Click "Add" to set up payment methods, transaction fees, and maximum transaction fees
Click on "Resend Email" to resend the email. If the customer forgets their password, clicking on "Resend Email" will send the new password to the email address provided during registration
Click to resend emai
Will send the new password to the email address filled in during registration. Click on "Terminal Manage" to view the terminal information bound to the merchant, and you can edit the terminal type and delete the terminal
Clicking on Terminal Manage allows you to view terminal information for all merchants, and perform actions such as adding, editing, and deleting
Can edit terminal information
Clicking on "Add" allows you to add a new terminal for a specific merchant. The terminal can only be logged in and used after it is bound to the merchant
Clicking on the Agent Manage page displays agents. Agents are subordinates of service providers and can onboard merchants
Click Add to add an agent, fill in the information, click the confirm button, and the agent will be created. The initial password will be sent to the entered email
Clicking on Payment Setting allows you to configure payment settings
You can configure the payment methods and commission rates for agents, with a maximum commission cap
Click on Payment Method to view and create payment methods
Click on Edit to view detailed configuration methods
Clicking on Add allows you to create a payment method
Clicking on Handing Fee Details will allow you to view a summary of the fees
Click Service Fee Summary
Click on Role Manage to enter and view the currently available roles. Currently, there is only one type of role, which is the employee role, and it allows for menu authorization
You can authorize the menu. Click on "Role resources" to edit the menu authorization. The checked menus will only be visible when logging into the system
Click on "User Manage" to enter user management. You can view all current account information, add new users, edit existing users, enable/disable accounts, and reset passwords
Click Add to create a new user
Click Edit to edit the user
Click Disable or Enable to activate or deactivate the user
Click on "Reset Password" to reset the user's login password
Click on "Merchant entry notice" to view the merchant entry announcement. This page displays the information that users need to know when applying for the free version of the POS machine
Clicking on Parameter Setting allows you to replace the icon in the top left corner of the portal
Wizarpos operation and maintenance management portal is a backend system used by operation and maintenance personnel. It is mainly used to open service providers and then view all merchants under the service providers, as well as generated transaction data, order data, and member recharge and consumption data
Enter your username and password on the login page, select the language, and log in to the system
Login System After logging in, you will first enter the Dashboard page. Here, the data overview is displayed, showing the current number of merchants, number of members, daily transaction amount, and transaction amount chart data
You can view transaction data for merchants in the food and retail industry
Click on Service Provider to enter the service provider list, where you can add, search, and modify service providers
Clicking on "Add" allows you to create a new service provider. After filling in the information, the service provider will be created. The email sent to the merchant when creating an account will be sent using the email provided by the service provider
Click on Role Manage to enter role management, which displays the current list of all roles. You can create and edit service providers, and authorize menus for service providers
Clicking on Add allows you to create roles. There are three types of roles here, corresponding to different menu permissions.
PTL-ADMIN is the merchant type, corresponding to the menu permissions of the retail and catering portals. Operations are used to set up retail and catering merchants, and determine which menus they can see
OPS-ADMIN is a service provider type, used for setting up which menus the service provider can see
SAAS-ADMIN is an operations and maintenance type used to set up which menus the operations and maintenance backend login account can see
Click on Trans List, operations and maintenance administrators can view the transaction records of all merchants
Clicking on "Order Report", the operations and maintenance administrator can view the number and amount of online and offline transactions generated by all merchants each day
Clicking on the Membership Report, the operations and maintenance administrator can query all the members under all merchants, as well as the generated records of member recharge and consumption
Click on Sales Report to view member consumption records
Wizarpos agent portal, mainly provides functions for agents to manage merchants. It allows agents to add and modify merchants under their agency. The merchant types supported are retail and catering. Agents can view transaction records of each merchant, as well as the terminal information and quantity bound to each merchant
Enter the account password to log in to the backend. Before logging in, you can choose the language
Click on Settlement Results to access the settlement records, where you can view all transaction data of merchant members and bank card transactions under this agent
Click on MerchantList to enter the merchant list, click on Add to add a new merchant (retail or catering), search and edit merchant information, resend emails, view bound terminals, enable/disable merchants, etc.
Click on Add to fill in the merchant information and complete the account opening. The merchant will receive an account opening email and can log in to the merchant portal with the initial account and password to perform operations
Click on "Resend Email" to resend the email. If the customer forgets their password, clicking on "Resend Email" will send the new password to the email address provided during registration
Clicking on Terminal Manage allows you to view the terminal information bound to the merchant, and you can edit the terminal type and delete the terminal
Click Disable to disable the merchant, click Enable to enable the merchant
Clicking on "Add" allows you to add a new terminal for a specific merchant. The terminal can only be logged in and used after it is bound to the merchant
Click on "User Manage" to enter user management. You can view all current account information, add new users, edit existing users, enable/disable accounts, and reset passwords
Click Add to add a new user
Click Disable or Enable to activate or deactivate the user
Click on Reset Password to reset the user's login password